Wednesday, July 17, 2013

.. of Interiors

If you don't have pets or kids, spend money on area rugs. You're welcome.

.. of Hair Inspiration

You have nice hair. I feel some Fall highlights coming on...

.. of Health & Beauty

.. of Style Inspiration

I'm drawn to this image. Something about good seams really gets me going. Whenever you're shopping, check the seams, especially on jackets and blazers. It's the first place fast fashion cuts corners to reduce costs. It's an industry insider's dirty little secret that damaged product ie ripped seams and poor construction, can be sold easily in the US because what that consumer seeks most often is a 'deal'. In Europe, it would sell at deep discounts, maybe. And in China and Japan you couldn't give it away for free. Don't be a sucker, any crazy stitches or rips, set it down gently and back away from the rack. 

*helpful tip of the day = accomplished

.. of Shopping

As Fall collections hit stores, my bookmarks are going to increase exponentially.