Thursday, November 7, 2013

.. of Interiors

Easily achieve this... with this...

via potterybarn

.. of Style Inspiration

Aila Wang 2013... previous

.. of Personal Style

New banner, new logo, and now the content is searchable. Everything is tagged into 8 categories on the bottom left-hand side. I found myself wanting to search for something on my own site, something I may have written years ago now and couldn't find. So now it's all accessible.

Which is a good thing and a bad thing of course.

Some of the stuff I wrote in 2011 should have stayed there but hey... when you know better, you do better. Right Oprah?! Plus now it's infinitely easier to see how funny I've been for years... nope, it's not just a passing thing.

As far as the categories...

"Closets" will have everything to do with inspirational layouts, ideas, and just fabulous images of things I can't afford for your wardrobe ie the most important part of any home.

"Hair Inspiration" is the section I use most often when I'm looking for a new haircut OR going out for the first time in forever and trying not to fall back on old hair habits ie the topknot.

"Health & Beauty" is home to bitches who make me want to eat an Oreo and just give up on life but also inspirational women I admire, beauty looks I'd like to copy, and tips on skincare and fitness.

"Interiors" will eventually be home to all of my "Cafe Inspiration" and "Home Inspiration" so if your home or your workplace need a new look this is your first stop.

"Personal Style" is where I prattle on endlessly about myself so if you don't like cats this is not the place for you. Moving on.

"Quotes" I find hugely inspirational, and like an image, they give you an idea or can possibly jumpstart a change in a snap. Visit this section when it's raining or you didn't get that raise you wanted.

"Shopping" is where I deposit thoughts on what's happening in retail at the moment whether they be good, bad, or ugly. Also where I talk about the latest acquisitions helping to keep my credit card company afloat. You're welcome.

"Style Inspiration" is by far the largest folder. You'll find streetstyle photos, fashion week snaps, articles on style icons like Miroslava Duma and the like, and everything that helps me get dressed in the morning. It was the impetus for starting this space in the first place.